SocketIO Playground for your team
Monitor each emitters’ and listeners’ events visually over a bi-directional SocketIO connection. It enables you to collaborate with the team over a SocketIO event-driven API building

SocketIO Playground Building Blocks
Feature | ||
1 | Emitter collection | Prepare an emitter collection for futuristic purposes to share with the team instantly, just save emitters in the collection. |
2 | Auto listen to listeners | Configure listeners to automatically listen on request open or any state of connection lifecycle |
3 | Header & Query Params | Enable seamless authentication experience with header and cookie support |
4 | Ack Support | Get an acknowledged callback in the response of Emitter, See it in event logs with reference |
5 | SocketIO Native configuration | Get advanced configuration options to achieve advanced use case of SocketIO connection like reconnect, delay, attempts, etc. |
6 | Ping/Pong | Review the heartbeat events of an active connection |