Team Collaboration
Organization overview

Organization overview

An organization in Firecamp represents a centralized place where teams can collaborate, manage APIs, and streamline their development process. The organization acts as a container for multiple workspaces, making it easy to organize and manage your API collections across team.

In this guide you'll learn below operation.

1. Creating organization

  1. Navigate and click Create dropdown in the upper right side.
  2. Click New organization
  3. Popup will open, enter your organization name and click create
  4. Once you'll click the create, popup will open and ask you to switch to new organization.
  5. By clicking Yes switch to the new workspace it'll redirect you to Main workspace that is default workspace of the organization that you just created.

Firecamp create default workspace as "Main workspace" you can later update the name of main workspace.

2. Switch between organization

  1. Navigate and click Create dropdown in the upper right side.
  2. Click Switch organization.
  3. Pop will open that shows the list of organizations you're part of.
  4. Click your required organization and it'll redirect you to selected organization.

Let's jump to learn how to create workspace under the organization.

Note : remove localhost from link