API Platform



Variables in Firecamp help you to reuse the values of requests, responses, or any other payload. You can set variables manually or via scripts in Firecamp. Here we'll see how to play with Variable in Scripts.

Use of variables in Scripts

Variables are scoped based on where they are defined, In Firecamp variables can be defined (aka scoped) in Globals, Environment, and Collection.


Globals scoped variables are defined in Globals. The script syntax would be like fc.globals.* You can Get, Set, Unset globals variables by using the following snippets.

Get variablefc.globals.get('variable_name')Get value of globals variable
Set variablefc.globals.set('variable_name', 'value')Set value of globals variable
Unset variablefc.globals.unset('variable_name')Unset globals variable

use of globals in scripts

    // set 'itemId' in globals
    fc.globals.set('itemId', 14);
    // get 'itemId' from globals
    const itemId = fc.globals.get('itemId');
    console.log(itemId); // log: 14
    // ---
    // unset 'itemId' in Globals


Environment scoped variables are defined in current Environment set in Firecamp. The script syntax of environment would be like fc.environment.* You can Get, Set, Unset environment variables by using the following snippets.

Get variablefc.environment.get('variable_name')Get value of environment variable
Set variablefc.environment.set('variable_name', 'value')Set value of environment variable
Unset variablefc.environment.unset('variable_name')Unset environment variable

use of environment variable in scripts

    // set 'itemId' in current environment
    fc.environment.set('itemId', 14);
    // get 'itemId' from current environment
    const itemId = fc.environment.get('itemId');
    console.log(itemId); // log: 14
    // ---
    // unset 'itemId' in current environment

Collection Variables

Collection scoped variables are defined in collection. The script syntax of collection variables would be like fc.collectionVariables.* You can Get, Set, Unset collection variables by using the following snippets.

Get variablefc.collectionVariables.get('variable_name')Get value of collection variable
Set variablefc.collectionVariables.set('variable_name', 'value')Set value of collection variable
Unset variablefc.collectionVariables.unset('variable_name')Unset collection variable

use of collection variable in scripts

    // set 'itemId' in collection variables
    fc.collectionVariables.set('itemId', 14);
    // get 'itemId' from collection variables
    const itemId = fc.collectionVariables.get('itemId');
    console.log(itemId); // log: 14
    // ---
    // unset 'itemId' in collection variables

Get Variable